If you're the owner of a medium or small company, you might think the term "SEO" (Search Engine Optimisation) is a fancy term used to describe marketing for large companies and corporations. It's not a flimsy assumption - according to a recent study it was discovered that, while 56% of small companies have websites however, only 28% of them think about SEO.

The significance of SEO in the present day and age couldn't be more evident. Inadequately applying SEO methods to the site could be as detrimental to your business as locking the front door. What is SEO accomplish? In a time when the majority of people are using search engines to locate nearby businesses, SEO is an important factor in being noticeable or invisibly. Here are five reasons SMBs need to use SEO now.

1) Traffic Boost

The traffic that comes to your site is driven through search engine. Just putting up a site isn't enough to be noticed. People must be aware of your existence to begin with. Each time someone uses Google (or another) to locate their dream job handbag, designer designer or car repair (or any other item), Google uses special algorithms to determine which sites will appear on the first page.

With certain SEO strategies by implementing certain SEO belfast strategies, you could be among the very first websites to show up each when someone requires something that is relevant to your business. Without SEO, you'll be lost in the sea of competition.

2) It's Cost Effective

The majority of marketing and advertising expenses huge sums of money, however the sole cost associated with SEO is how long you devote to learning SEO strategies and creating content, or hiring an SEO expert to boost your Google ranking. If you implement a good SEO campaign, which is sustained over some time you could expect an ROI of several times more than Facebook or AdWords advertisements, which can be as high as 800 percent or more.

3) Small businesses can beat Big Companies with Keywords and other localized advantages

When you are familiar with SEO once you've started, you'll begin to realize what it is all about key words, that are the phrases and words that people type to search engines. The objective in SEO is to create articles that contain keywords. are utilized and focused on to make your website more effective and more prominent when users search for that particular phrase.

It is possible that you think your chances of getting to the top are bleak and, after all how do you stand up to stand out from large companies who have been doing this for a long time? Smaller businesses benefit more due to the long tail keywords. The long-tail keywords refer to lengthy and precise phrases or keywords. Smaller businesses is, you have limited and less specific market (for instance, anyone is searching for your service or product in your city or town, instead of an international audience). It is possible to target longer tail keywords, which include your particular location or the audience that larger companies will not bother to tackle. It's true that Toys R Us may be able to capture all "new toys" searches, however, your local toy store will be able to capture all "new toys for young boys in London" searches.

This isn't just one thing that can help small businesses. Search engines usually take into consideration the location of users when using Local Search, meaning you will more likely get noticed by people living who live in your vicinity. This will get better with the recent changes that allow businesses can further customize their listing.

Additionally, there's another method also known as "off-page SEO": this is less about SEO you put into your site but more about improving your standing within the world as well as via social media. The reality is that the public is more happy to praise small businesses in the local area that provides good services in addition, the greater number of people who are talking about your business on the internet the more likely it is that your rankings will increase.

4) Competitors Will Always Have an Advantage If You Don't Jump Onboard

The Internet boom is over and not taking advantage of what it can bring is unwise for your company. SEO is an integral part of the business today and the majority but not all, companies are sure to be doing it and you must join in.

You could claim that you have a collection of loyal customers that will help keep your business going as customers you've built trust prior to the SEO and social media eras. It's true that this is the case right now but how long will it take before the customers cease looking for the service or product that you offer? Customers who are new will not come to your shop like previous ones. Why? Because potential customers are taken away by your competitors prior to even hearing your name.

5) SEO Will Always Be Around

SEO isn't a trend we'll be able to ride out. Because of the way that search engines operate and the fact that Google has a growing position over search engines and different Social Media platforms means that SEO is always relevant. It is best to get started on improving your SEO as quickly as possible , if you don't want your company to sink under the pressure of current trends.

What are you wasting time to do? Don't let the marketing jargon and jargons scare you away At the end of your day SEO can be as easy as any other aspect of managing your business. The longer you put off more time you'll be further behind. If you're still unable to feel confident handling all aspects of technological aspects involved in SEO is fine as that's the job of SEO experts are there for.